Saturday, March 9, 2019

Teach Blendspace and Digital Innovation Tool Link

Here is my link to my Teach Blendspace:

Here is my link to my digital innovation / tool:


  1. Hi Johanna,

    I really like the Prezi tool you created. This toolkit is very thoughtful and I think it will be very appreciated by your team. It was so great to see that the teacher would have such a concise visual of vital components such as standards and Bloom’s taxonomy readily available. I think that by the very nature of your solution it is UDL compatible due to being tech based.

    Would your team have an initial professional development meeting to train teachers on the use of the tool kit, and then regular PLC meetings to go over sample assignments to check for adherence to the tool kit?

    Once this toolkit has been adopted by your team the process for completing assignments will probably start to feel more consistent and routine for students. This should be effective for your problem of practice and reduce unnecessary time spent on homework. It may also help for each teacher to model how to complete their homework assignments a few times at the start of the year. Also, maybe a feedback survey from students on what works for them and what doesn’t.

    Your problem of practice is something many teachers face. We have limited time and want to make the most of it. The school I worked at most recently also had many complaints from parents regarding the homework time burden.

    In addition to the toolkit you created, would it be possible to reduce the overall amount of homework from teachers? Would it be possible to give them a bit of time at the end of class to get started?

    I also wanted to thank you for all the wonderful tips you have given me on using Google Classroom. It has been really helpful and I have kept notes on all the feedback you have given me. Thank you Johanna!


  2. --I really like your idea to present to parents, but I think you are right that it may not have the highest impact on its own. Some students will have more support at home for homework completion.

    --I love how your checklist connected back to UDL and culturally responsive instruction.

    --Your response to feedback you received was so thoughtful and thorough.

    --After reading your paper, I have some ideas to improve my own!

    My 10x feedback for you:
    Have you considered what would happen if the instructional group didn't assign homework at all?
    Can homework completion tie into a separate habits of work score?
    What if every student took a class or received instruction on time management strategies? At my school, I can imagine that taking place during our advisory/homeroom time. Or, do your students take a digital literacy class? We could sneak that into our digital literacy class!

  3. Your video gave us an excellent overview of your design thinking process and how you tackled your problem of practice. You tackled the problem with a 360 degree approach, and did considered many issues; you verbalized that the problem was a big one and thus might feel overwhelming to teachers. Your idea for a solution addressed the problem of too much information, but presenting the solution in a visual, user friendly format that could be used at PD and could be tweaked or simplified for parents.

    Would you open up the toolkit to allow for teachers to brainstorm and add their own comments and elements? Then personalize (as you noted)?

    Academic Self-Regulation and Study Skills: If this is a major challenge that may be undermining independent, successful homework completion using tech at home... How do teachers address this issue and is school administration/district on board with providing explicit instruction in this area?

    Digital Citizenship: Are students being taught explicitly the value of being a good citizen, which would include differentiating uses of tech and having time to reflect on these differences?
